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Aerophobia english version

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11/05/18 - 22:48 - Gracijela Putina
Dottor Ruga, Beato Lei che sa tutto delle mallatie mentali. Vi seguo e Vi saluto Gracijela
19/09/13 - 16:12 - Michael (New York)
Hi Dr. Ruga, I′m Michael from New York and I′m businessman. For many years I had many problems to fly but after, a good doctor helped me and now I can fly without no one fear. I′ve seen your video and I′m glad to see that also in other countries of the world there′re good and professional doctors. I hope that in the future you will make much more video in english version. Sure I will return! See you!
06/08/09 - 10:27 - Charlize (Richmond - Virginia) 
When most people board a plane, there's a tendency to ignore the chances of that plane falling uncontrollably from the sky. They don't consider the plausibility of plummeting to their death. But, for those who deal with aerophobia, those thoughts are first and foremost in their mind. Getting onto a plane can be terrifying to an aerophobic...! Congratulations Dr.Ruga for your blog, I'm a great fan of you. I love Italy (e parlo pochino di italiano pure).
04/08/09 - 17:43 - Roberto Ruga
Thanks John and Ariel. Your observations are very important for me because they arrive from so far. Good luck. Roberto Ruga
04/08/09 - 10:22 - Ariel, Austin (Texas) 
About aerophobia, this is the best movie that I've seen in some time!
11/04/09 - 14:58 - John (Boston) 
Although there is much speculation over the causes of phobias, many sufferers will be able to explain theirs in a way that may seem irrational to other people. The sufferer themselves will often accept the logical argument and will agree that their phobia is based on an irrational fear but this does not help them conquer their fear. Many sufferers blame their fears on remembering images from intense media coverage of flight disasters, others reflect on films they have watched or books they have read, some may have encountered a previous experience of flying that was not particularly pleasant, whilst for some, there will be no explanation and the phobia may have been passed down and learned by a family member who has also suffered from this condition. Congratulations!
11/03/09 - 13:37 - Roberto Ruga
Thank you Bob, I'm happy that my words arrive over there and that you have appreciated them.
11/03/09 - 08:17 - Bob 
The displays you created are just beautiful. Congratulations on a job well done. Bob NYC

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